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2023 Mexico-USA Friendship Conference

Mexico USA Friendship Conference and Global Grants Exchange

The Mexico USA Friendship Conference and Global Grants Exchange was started in 2000 between Rotary districts in Arizona and Mexico. As suggested by the name, it is a Rotary conference focused on friendship between members in both countries, but it is also the best way to get your club involved in doing international global grant projects.

Over the years, the conference has produced global grant projects in every area of focus. Millions of dollars from the Rotary Foundation have been employed in high impact projects that have been implemented in Mexico, the USA and all over the world.

The conference alternates each year being held in Arizona and Mexico, respectively. The dates vary depending on the schedule of the organizers and the districts’ leadership teams.

This year’s conference takes place Oct. 26-30, 2023 in Prescott, Arizona. Registration information will be available soon.

If your club has never participated in a global grant, this conference is a great way to get started, by either proposing a project or making a funding pledge. The beauty of clubs working together comes from the leveraging of Rotary Foundation giving to make a lasting impact in our communities and communities across the globe.

For more information contact DGE Kevin Pitts – [email protected]